Sunday, November 1, 2015

Aviation Organizations

Belonging to professional organizations within your career is of utmost importance for a number of reasons, such as (Hood, T);

1. It brings like minded professional individuals together to accomplish goals
2. Promotes leadership and how to be a professional
3. Creates invaluable professional relationship and networks

"Nobody is going to look out for your profession like your professional association, nobody" says Clark Price, a CEO for a professional organization for CPA's. His words really are true though, no one is going to look out for the best interest of your future career like the like minded individuals from a professional organization filled with people who have the same goals. Aviation organizations such as the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), and Airline Pilots Association (ALPA) are great associations to become a member of for a plethora of reasons.

The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association is probably one of the largest aviation related organizations in existence. Their primary mission is to protect pilots freedom to fly by; advocating, educating, and supporting the aviation industry. There are many services offered to members of this association such as the latest industry news, free training seminars, a monthly magazine and aviation attorneys available to pilots at their disposal in the event of a accident or incident in which there is a need of representation. The Airline Pilots Association, which is the largest airline union out there, has the primary mission of advocating and promoting aviation safety from within airlines. ALPA has helped negotiate hundreds of airline pilot contracts and provides representation when needed.

AOPA and ALPA help secure aviators best interest in every sense of the word. Although they both are different and have different primary functions, supporting different types of aviators they both promote aviation. AOPA has helped shape a lot of regulatory mandates from the FAA positively over the years, more notably such as a reduction in the AME medical examination fee and they are currently trying to change the medical requirement for certain operators (Mission and History of AOPA). ALPA has also helped regulate changes within the industry such as the implementation of the Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) and the addition of certain collision avoidance equipment in part 121 operators flight decks. (Advancing Aviation Safety)

When a group of people get together with the a common goal that is when real change can take place. An organization of people will always have a greater impact on the system than any one person could ever hope to accomplish. By joining these organizations you are supporting positive change throughout the aviation industry and on top of that they usually offer many services to their members pro bono. The association fee typically does not exceed $100 a year but yet offers many invaluable services. These reasons alone are enough to me to convince me why its important to become and stay a member of these organizations and hopefully they are for you as well.

ADVANCING AVIATION SAFETY AND SECURITY SINCE 1931. (2005, July 10). Retrieved November 1, 2015, from

Hood, T. (2009, September 23). 6 reasons to belong to your professional associations. Retrieved November 1, 2015, from

Mission and History of AOPA. (2005, June 10). Retrieved October 31, 2015, from 


  1. I agree with you. The advantages ALPA provides are completely worth the cost of membership.

  2. I believe that you’re right when it comes down to working together in a group. It is also participating in the group that has an impact as well. A person could be part of an association and never participate and that ultimately makes them a nonessential part of the group. What good is it if your association is 12,000 members strong if only 6,000 participate?

  3. I tend to agree with you. A single voice is not heard the way the voice of a large collective is. Thousands of members who have the same attitude and the same goals can do great things.

  4. It is good to belong to something where people collectively work together. If it wasn’t for organizations like ALPA and AOPA change would not come as effectively as it should.
